![Portrait Idriz Zogaj](/storage/media/794/92acad608c845ef8-800x800ar2-fit-531x532.jpg)
Idriz Zogaj说到:“我们都很高兴今年将有一场瑞典锦标赛,我个人期待着在11年后再次在瑞典的土地上比赛。”
瑞典记忆协会由Idriz Zogaj在2008年创立。记忆协会的主要任务就是在瑞典推广记忆运动。这是通过组织比赛来实现的,比如瑞典锦标赛,以及通过出现在媒体上和其他方式来传播并宣传这项智力运动。欢迎所有人成为瑞典记忆协会的会员。
![Picture of Rebecca Andersson, Marketing Manager, Micropower Group](/storage/media/1043/mpg-portrait-rebecca-andersson-fit-250x185.jpg)
2021年瑞典记忆力锦标赛于12月4日至5日举办,今年将在维克舍举办该赛事。Idriz Zogaj 是组织者,Micropower Group 是主要赞助商。
ELLEGO and Micropower Group has worked together for more than 20 years, naturally utilizing the strengths of a common Finnish engineering background a...
Welcome back to watch the final video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower.
Welcome back to watch the third video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower in a series of videos that wi...
Welcome back to watch the second video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower in a series of videos that w...