Micropower 集团
Idavägen 1
35246 Växjö
Micropower Group AB
Nylandavägen 20
35250 Växjö
Micropower 瑞典公司是 Micropower 集团最大的分公司,是由原来三家子公司 Micropower ED Marketing AB,Primepower AB 和 Micropower Lionova AB 合并后成立的新公司。Micropower 瑞典公司位于瑞典的韦克舍和哥德堡市,是负责高频电池充电机和模块化锂电池的主要生产基地,以及两个电池和电池充电的研发中心。
Micropower Oy 是集团的芬兰公司,位于芬兰的技术和开发中心 - 萨罗(Salo)。Micropower Oy 拥有自己的生产基地,在车载充电以及用于工业应用的定制产品方面具有专业知识。该公司前身为 Powerfinn Oy,之后于2020年更名为 Micropower。
Ecotec LLC Ltd.的总部位于美国俄亥俄州的特洛伊。该公司以自己的品牌来销售产品。产品范围包括高能效的高频工业电池充电机,以及用于各种工业系统的电源。
Micropower S.R.L. is a sales company, located in Turin Italy.
Swede Electronics AB, part of the Micropower Group, is based in Vansbro, Sweden. Swede Electronics specializes in the production of battery chargers for automated aid equipment and the industrial sector, such as electric wheelchairs, vehicles, and cleaning machines, as well as the design and manufacturing of customer-specific electronics. The company also offers comprehensive service and support for its battery charging solutions.
Micropower 房地产公司拥有 Micropower 的所有物业。
Micropower集团 副总裁 (市场部和丰田大客户经理), Micropower德国公司 总经理
ELLEGO and Micropower Group has worked together for more than 20 years, naturally utilizing the strengths of a common Finnish engineering background a...
Welcome back to watch the final video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower.
Welcome back to watch the third video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower in a series of videos that wi...
Welcome back to watch the second video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower in a series of videos that w...