2017年,Micropower 开始生产自有品牌 LionBrix 系列锂电池产品,ATAB 也成为 LionBrix 的认证合作伙伴并且锂电池产品用量逐年递增。
之前为了实现锂电池和充电机之间的 CAN-bus 通信,ATAB 通常使用有线连接的方式实现 CAN 通信。
在充电机和 AGV 之间使用有线 CAN 传输的难点在于,一方面对连接器有精确定位的要求,另一方面接触点上的脏污有可能引起通信失败的问题。
Micropower 一直将客户需求置于首位,凭借过硬的技术能力,为客户提供全方位的供电解决方案。
ELLEGO and Micropower Group has worked together for more than 20 years, naturally utilizing the strengths of a common Finnish engineering background a...
Welcome back to watch the final video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower.
Welcome back to watch the third video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower in a series of videos that wi...
Welcome back to watch the second video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower in a series of videos that w...