ACCESS 电池充电机
Micropower Access 系列工业高频电池充电机,为您提供强大而节能的电池充电和无线通信功能。现代最先进的 MOSFET 电源转换电路可高效、准确地将交流电源转换为为不同种类的工业电池充电所需的直流电源。每个 Access 充电机都可以设置为执行常规充电或各种级别的机会充电。有几种不同的充电曲线可用,例如用于电化学混合和机会充电,都预编程在每台 Access 充电机中。
ACCESS 电池充电机
Micropower Access 系列工业高频电池充电机,为您提供强大而节能的电池充电和无线通信功能。现代最先进的 MOSFET 电源转换电路可高效、准确地将交流电源转换为为不同种类的工业电池充电所需的直流电源。每个 Access 充电机都可以设置为执行常规充电或各种级别的机会充电。有几种不同的充电曲线可用,例如用于电化学混合和机会充电,都预编程在每台 Access 充电机中。
LION 电池充电机
Micropower Lion系列工业高频电池充电机,为您提供强大而节能的电池充电。现代最先进的 MOSFET 电源转换电路,可高效准确地将交流电源转换为为不同种类的锂电池充电所需的直流电源。充电机已在我们工厂进行预编程,但如果工作条件(例如新型锂电池)发生变化,可以轻松进行重新编程。Lion 充电机在标准版中带有实时时钟、无线电收发器和远程启动。 最重要的是,还有其他附件可以添加。请参阅附件标签。
Micropower SC 电池充电机
Micropower SC 电池充电机易于使用,与 GET 设备管理系统完全兼容,并为 Micropower 的工业电池充电机设定了新的标准。Micropower SC 针对固定式电池充电应用,可用于锂电池充电以及铅酸电池充电。
Sharp 电池充电机
BRIX 锂电池
Micropower 的锂电池解决方案基于柔性电池模块 BRIX。电池模块具有不同的标准化尺寸,可灵活适应各种电压和容量。通过串联电池模块,电池模块易于管理和组装成不同尺寸的电池。系统电压可达1000V,容量可达700kWh。
模块化锂电池模块 BRIX 是在 Micropower 瑞典自己的生产基地制造的。电池模组采用自动化生产线制造,确保极高工业生产率,并同时满足最高质量要求。
DC/DC 转换器和充电机
DC/DC 转换器采用最新的 DC-DC 转换高频设计,效率高达96%以上。这带来了具有最小功率损耗的炫酷产品。内部电子元件具有防止错误极性和短路的保护,可防止因误操作而损坏设备。
具有 IP67 防护等级的 DC/DC 充电机是一款先进的产品,可将 9-16VDC 或 18-32VDC 的电压转换为适用于所有类型铅酸电池(标准、GEL/AGM、钙)的正确充电模式。高效的设计为 12V 版本提供 15 安培的充电电流,确保快速高效的充电。输入和输出是电流分离的。安装和组装都很容易进行。
所有型号都提供 IP67 外壳,使其防水且非常抗震。
Robust 电池充电机
Robust 电池充电机使用高端高频技术。智能微控制器通过监控充电过程延长电池寿命。充电机小巧、静音,符合欧盟安全和 EMC 要求。充电机可用于各种电池类型,包括锂电池。坚固耐用的设计、紧凑的体积以及高效率使 Robust 充电机非常适合执行多种艰巨任务。它们同样适用于为循环应用的电池充电,因为它们可以对车辆电池进行维护充电。Robust 充电机既适合作为独立式充电机,也适合作为“车载”充电机。外壳采用 IP54 防水和防尘保护。可选择 IP66(防水)外壳。
PAC/PAP 电池充电机
PAC/PAP battery chargers and power supplies use modern high-frequency switching technology. The intelligent control processor extends battery life by controlling the charging process. The device is compact, lightweight and meets EU requirements for safety and EMC.
PAC/PAP is part of Micropower's offering within Custom Products. Contact us and we will find a solution for you.
ABC 电池充电机
ABC 充电机是一款通用型电池充电机,适用于各种类型的电池,如开放式铅酸、GEL/AGM、NiCd、锂电池等。充电机采用高频技术,非常紧凑,效率高。 充电过程由预编程充电算法的微处理器控制。可提供适用于所有类型和尺寸电池的不同充电模式。体积小,重量轻,使这些充电机特别适合车载安装。充电机上可连接外部 LED、温度补偿充电和控制功能,例如防盗器。
Champ 电池充电机
Micropower SL Battery Charger
The Micropower SL is a highly energy-efficient, modular, and durable battery charger, comprising up to four power units. It is fully compatible with smart software functionalities and can be easily connected via radio or Near Field Communication (NFC). The Micropower SL supports a wide range of commonly used mains voltages.
Micropower ST Battery Charger
The Micropower ST is a highly efficient charger featuring a user-friendly interface. With simple installation and quick configuration, your operations can be up and running swiftly. Its compact and robust housing not only ensures cost-effectiveness but also contributes to a reduction in CO2 emissions, making the Micropower ST a sustainable choice for your charging needs.
Micropower SX Battery Charger
The Micropower SX features an intuitive user interface, designed with the operator's needs in mind. With quick installation and seamless configuration, electrical operations can be up and running in no time. This versatile charger is optimized for both Lead-Acid and Lithium-Ion batteries and is compatible with most commonly used mains voltages.
Micropower SQ Battery Charger
The Micropower SQ is a compact and robust charger with high efficiency for traditional batteries (Lead-Acid, GEL, AGM). It features the intuitive and operator-friendly Micropower interface. With easy installation and rapid configuration, the Micropower SQ ensures operations are up and running with minimal downtime. The charger’s cost-effective design and housing contribute to reduced CO2 emissions, making it a sustainable and profitable choice for your industrial charging needs.
ELLEGO and Micropower Group has worked together for more than 20 years, naturally utilizing the strengths of a common Finnish engineering background a...
Welcome back to watch the final video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower.
Welcome back to watch the third video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower in a series of videos that wi...
Welcome back to watch the second video this December, where we invite you all to join and explore the world of Micropower in a series of videos that w...