Micropower Group AB

Gullhallavägen 20C
352 50 Växjö

+46(0) 470 72 74 00


Micropower Support Center

Commitment to Excellence: With Great Powers, Come Great Responsibilities

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Meet Åsa Henning, Project Leader in operations, when she gives her perspective on what our core value 'Responsibility' means to us at Micropower.
Employee portrait
In our pursuit of future success, our company's core values - Dedication, Sincerity, Presence, and Responsibility - are paramount. These values not only shape our culture but also serve as catalysts for achieving our mission; making electrification of the industry a reality.

Responsibility ensures accountability and professionalism, guiding us towards sustainable growth and profitability.

We take responsibility. For our processes, solutions, for what we have said and done. By listening and leading. We make responsible, wise, and sustainable decisions based on their long-term effects. 

We rely on everyone's shared responsibility, continuously developing further and seeking new opportunities. We build solutions we are proud of and believe in.

We take responsibility for our actions and use resources and assets wisely. An approach for everyone's future. 

We define tomorrow through our actions today. Every person is important; each has the opportunity and responsibility to make a difference.

Contact us today

Are you interested in the transition towards sustainable energy solutions?
Do you want to know more about batteries, charging or power converters?
Our dedicated team of experts are ready to assist you.